Racing is Cancelled due to Ongoing Roadworks
29 Jul 2023
Unfortunately due to new road works that have been started along the top part of the course at Oakville the Parramatta CC Committee has made the unwanted decision to cancel the scheduled races for the remainder of the season.
Current road works are planned to continue for the next 5 weeks if everything runs to plan and the committee feels that the likelihood of that happening is very small.
We hope to start fresh next season with a pothole free race course, increased race days and more chances to walk away with some race winnings.
Hawkesbury Council have ongiong works planned over the next 4-5 weeks with uncetrainty as to when all works will be completed.
Old Pitt Town Road (flood evacuation route)
Six sections of Old Pitt Town Road are being completed by the Transport Operations Team.
Works are scheduled to commence on a section of the road between Scheyville Road and Saunders Road from 27 July. Work hours will be between 7:30 – 5:00pm.
It is anticipated that works duration will be 4-5 weeks, weather permitting.
Sites 1, 2, 4 and 6 are complete. Material supply continues to constrain progress on remaining sites.