Universe Christmas Ride Saturday Dec 18th All welcome to join us.
15 Dec 2021

Join us for the traditional Christmas Ride, Sat18th December. Dress up in the Christmas Theme, decorate your bike or just wear your Paramatta Club Kit.
There will be a presentation for the Best Dressed Rider and or bike.
Following the ride we meet at Murray Gardens in Parramatta Park where we can socialize over Coffee for all and Bacon and Egg Rolls, Banana Bread, Fruit Toast and Croissants. supplied by the club.
First in Best Dressed for the food options and Coffee for all.
George Boy Cafe will supply the food.
One of the Cafe staff will take all the orders and convey them to the Cafe, so no need for any members to go into cafe unless for toilet, but there are other toilet options near the Pitt St gate.

All welcome to join us.
6:10am –Steady Group (Location – The Junction Car Park, Cnr James Ruse Drive and Windsor Road, Pace/Distance 26-28KM/H, 48KM)
6:20am Medium Group (Location – The Junction Car Park, Cnr James Ruse Drive and Windsor Road, Pace/Distance 28-30KM/H, 48KM)
6:30am Fast Group (Location – Pet Barn Car Park, 561 - 565 Church Street, Pace/Distance >30KM/H, 48KM), all finish in Parramatta for coffee.
Please remember to stay COVID safe and abide by the current rules.