Last Race of the season Next Saturday 19th Sept "All Welcome"
17 Sep 2020
Saturday 19th September Scratch Race Start Times
A grade 14:00 7 Laps
B Grade 14:01 6 Laps
C Grade 14:02 5 Laps
D grade 14:03 4 Laps
As part of our commitment to be Covid-19 safe please read the following essential information & enjoy the racing!
Essential Information
If you have any symptoms (Fever, cough, sore throat, sneezing, shortness of breath etc) STAY HOME
If someone you live with has any symptoms (Fever, cough, sore throat, sneezing, shortness of breath etc) STAY HOME
If you develop any cold & flu symptoms, get tested, and tell us if you test positive so that we can alert any close contacts as quickly as possible. (email: or Phil: 0418494972)
Your name & phone number will be kept for at least 28 Days for contact purposes in case of any Covid-19nrelated issues
The event will be run on a “Get In, Race, Get out basis. No hanging around. Do not mingle with other groups as we need to be able to contact trace. In this event, your contact details may be provided to health authorities
Remember to keep recommended safe distance.
Riders should arrive Self Sufficient for their race including wearing race kit and bring their own food & drink, tools etc
Limited toilets will be available NO Change rooms
We encourage you to download the COVIDSafe App
We would love to have spectators, but only come if necessary & please maintain social distancing
There will be no canteen facilities available
Event organisation
- Start / Finish Line outside Oakville Public School, Ogden Rd, Oakville
- No parking inside the school grounds. Park on Ogden Rd
- All riders must follow the sign on procedure & take guidance from officials
- Hand sanitiser will be provided at key points
- Entry is on the day @ $15 per rider – NO CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN – Riders put the entry fee into a container provided